The Good News

The good news is that God loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for your sin. Jesus died upon a cross for you, and He then He rose from the dead to prove that He was God and that He was the one who is victorious over death, hell and the grave.

Do you realize that apart from Christ you are a sinner in need of a Savior? Your sins make you guilty before God, deserving of judgment and eternal punishment in hell. Only by turning away from your sin and placing your trust in Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior can you be forgiven of your sin, empowered to live a victorious life on earth, and guaranteed a home in heaven.

There are many, many resources that explain the good news clearly. Let us recommend to you Take a look around at that site, read some of the info, watch the video resources, and let us know what you think!

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